So, friday 2nd July my hubby, Olivia and I headed off to woking to a meeting with the makers of pampers - that multi-billion pound company - procter and gamble. Pampers is their biggest product, they also make things like Bold laundry detergent. A few of us mums and dads were at that meeting - all of us extremely angry at our (and our babies) treatment by procter and gamble. P&G had paid for our travel to the meeting venue and also for two nursery nurses, soft play equipment and a family GP to be there. They had, surprise, surprise, Aimee Goldsmith there from their PR department, Fiona - customer relations and an american lady called Heidi from research and development.
Things quickly got down to business. One by one we put our complaints and issues to P&G. I had to hold back the tears as I described our experience. The way my daughter's bum bled and how she is so scared to go to the toilet now she holds her poo - frightened that it will once again be excruitinatingly painful. Very quickly Aimee Goldsmith cut in - apparently her boys too had had nappy rash so bad it bled when they were young - nappy rash isn't caused by a nappy.
The meeting seemed to go round in circles several times. Babies don't wee at the back of the nappy, there is nothing in the nappy to suggest it can cause a rash, blah, blah, blah...
Basically, they are going to do nothing.
One thing that myself and Jaymee, one of the other mums there, suggested was to put a warning on the pack - MAY cause sensitivity - if affected discontinue use and seek medical advice. No, they said - there isn't enough room on the pack as the same pack is used in many different countries and needs to have all the different languages on it. We were incredulous. They were going to do nothing. The new product is here to stay. In order for any kind of change in their nappies to occur, the levels of complaints about rashes needs to be much higher than it currently is. The rashes need to have medical evidence. The only thing that made me feel slightly better was that although they have changed their new baby nappies, they have not changed their new baby micro nappies. The thought of premature babies having to go through the same sort of rashes as my baby did doesn't even bear thinking about.
So here we are. A company refusing to take any kind of responsibility for the awful rashes their product has no doubt caused. Can we prove it? No. But are over 11,000 parents wrong? That is the number on the US facebook site - bring back the old cruisers/swaddlers. Our group has over 200 members - are they all wrong too?
Disheartened but not deterred, we are all fighting on...
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